Friday, 28 September 2018

AI Can Make Architects Cheaper

It seems that architects are longing for something like artificial intelligence to support their own abilities for a very long time. It seems that in 1969 architect Nicholas Negroponte, published a book titled The Architecture Machine, that predicts that the chance of a machine which would help architects do their job.

Negroponte dreamed of having an architectural computer that could help architects in the design process. He conjured up a machine which would aid in three different manners.

To automate current procedures to accelerate and reduce the expense of existing practices. Alternating present approaches to make issues machine compatible. Present a design procedure to the machine resulting in mutual development and training of both machine and human. It looks like the initial two concepts have been achieved. The third concept is a work in progress.

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If such a system could be created, then Negroponte pictured a connection between human and system which was not master and servant, but a cooperation of the two to get self-improvement. It would be kind of like a digital colleague proposing design alternative during a free-flowing conversation of ideas. The theories Negroponte is in effect machine learning. And that means that Negroponte's vision may not be too far off from being completely achieved.

Negroponte further describes the device as being able" to display options, discern incompatibilities, make suggestions." It is evident that AI is turning right into supplying this for the area of architecture and what that signifies is that architects of the future shouldn't have any fear of losing their jobs. Machines will perform the heavy lifting while builders can focus on city making.

Collecting and storing quantities of information related to architecture is the key. This will enable architects to rely on information and leverage it via artificial intelligence into the practice of design. The field of architecture is presently benefiting from research and case studies which are currently available through Building Research Information Knowledgebase (BRIK). But, sharing the data is still a problem. This can help to use automation to improve practice and design on a bigger scale. With the dawn of Cloud technologies, sharing is much easier.

Sharing data can be achieved both externally and internally. The sharing may occur within a firm, one of plenty of people working on the exact same job, or even externally with other companies. The outcome is the better design and project delivery. The trend for architects is to protect intellectual property. This discourages companies from sharing ideas and information with their contest. However, sharing data could benefit the trade.

Recognizing the potential of big data and artificial intelligence can help architects enhance their productivity and that adds up to a greater bottom line.

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