Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Technology - Good Or Bad - Or is the Jury Still Out?

Many consider that technology is awful as it requires people away from the important things in life, such as family, love and community.

This is an adequate argument thinking about the evolutionary history of the human species, but clearly all technology isn't bad. For instance the Rural Poor of Honduras require little things like a solar panels for lights to their own schools, churches and septic tanks, or knowledge of how to build them.

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In areas of Africa, they simply have to learn how to drill wells for little villages to the off-rainy season. Technology, even the most elementary technology could vastly improve their lives, and it wouldn't even require that much, just a little would be fantastic.===So is technology in that situation awful?

Obviously, the counter argument has to do with other issues, such as mobile phones, computers, iPods, robotics, and the future of nano-tech and artificial intelligence. Really, it's unfortunate that humans have used the technology and energy in irresponsible ways like using nuclear energy to build WMD. Obviously, the humans learn from these things, which is great.

These were some critical instances in WWII when the US dropped the first and only atomic bomb in a war. In the future mankind will unlock a lot of other secrets to physics too. Some will be so strong that they will solve all the topics of electricity, space flight, propulsion, pollution, etc..

And the question is mankind prepared for them?

Well, no and yes. Certain elements aren't prepared, but others are. Can individuals be trusted with such power? Again some may , others, well, I'm not so sure. So, who determines?
That in itself is a large responsibility. I believe humans can manage it, but there will be issues and a learning curve also. It is definitely something we ought to be thinking about.

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